Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Luck With That Dallas...

Not much here, just another group of NBA fans attempting to draw LeBron to their respective cities. LeBron to the Mavs? As long as the song plays constantly during timeouts.

LeBron to the Mavs

Friday, May 14, 2010

NBA JAM Update

Some updates on the newest incarnation of the classic 2-on-2 NBA Jam:

First off become a fan on facebook. You can not only see some screenshots, but also enter a contest. More on that in a second.

Secondly, ESPN's Marc Stein wrote a great piece on the game. It's pretty old, but a different look than my picks.

Finally, the contest. If you submit any catchprase, ala "Boomshakalaka", your piece of art could be including in the actual game. Just enter in the previous facebook link.

More details here

Must Watch Video: We Are LeBron

Keeping with the whole sports nation's theme today, I give you: We Are LeBron:

We Are LeBron! - Watch more Funny Videos

In the Shadow of LeBron Part I: Wade

With the explosion of talk concerning vacationing LeBron James future, and the epic free-agency of 2010. Dwyane Wade isn't getting much talk time around the media world. Wade might not be of James importance to the league, but to Southern Florida, he is Miami.
Maybe it's because we've been hearing about LeBron's future for the past 3 years, or maybe it is simply his business demeanor, but LeBron isn't the Cavaliers. On the other hand, I cannot put an image of Dwyane Wade in a jersey that is not that of the Heat. Wade, unlike LeBron has brought a Championship to his city. And even if he isn't the local prodigy, Wade embodies Miami unlike any other player since A.I. was in the finals with Philly.
To show just how much Miami wants Mr. Wade to resign, the Miami Heat have launched, where fans can leave messages, download wallpaper, and get tips on what to do if you see #3 in town. Miami residents can even request a free fan kit. Because of heavy traffic, I couln't even log on for a few hours yesterday. Hopefully, this will help show Dwyane how much Miami needs him.

Shaq may leave, but Wade is forever.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Quick Thoughts: Cleveland Boston Game 6

Best line of the night from Van Gundy, "Blood cleanses the soul" after Varejao gets knocked.

Last minute + postgame just seemed plain weird. It did not seem like a team just lost a series to a lower seed.

LeBron couldn't wait to take that uniform off. Started with the headband before the tunnel. I thought the shorts were coming off too.

Anyone remember the Magic? Anyone?

Either the Celtics are going to keep the momentum, or they will flat out die.

Oh yeah, nice excuse LeBron about the elbow, saying you wouldn't blame it on injuries.

Subtitles for the images of the only real 2nd round series (example above): Doc funk

Quick music video for those Clevelanders. Grab the tissues: The Score

ESPN New York is ready: jose3030

Move over Favre and Tiger, LeBron's the Talk of ESPN Now

It's sad really. It's a tragedy the likes of Shakespeare. I'm not from Cleveland, nor do I root for the Cavs. In fact, I was hoping the Celtics would do the unimaginable and defeat the regular season best Cleveland team with championship expectations. But I wouldn't wish a season ending like this on anyone.
Like seasons before, they fell short. It wasn't supposed to be a train wreck of a 2 game stretch that began a constant cycle of "Will he stay or go" talks on ESPN. Those two games included a 31 point loss to a team who's core might rot soon by the looks of their age, and a 9 turnover game from a King. The game ended before the horn, by the Cavaliers refusing to foul a horrible ft-shooter in Rajon Rondo.
After the whistle it just got sadder for Cleveland, while I watched stunned. LeBron actually took off his jersey while still in the tunnel. For a player who's every act is studied and analyzed, surely he knew people would notice. It was hard to not see it. With that does Cleveland say goodbye to their native son? What will the Chosen One choose? It's a tragedy Cleveland. Everyone knows it, including the King.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

SNL: Barkley

So Charles Barkley hosted Saturday Night Live. And let's just say he's no Peyton Manning. Here's a small sampling.

One good thing: Thunder Dan reference.

To sum it up: Barkley's "acting" (reading cue cards)= turrible. Barkley making fun of himself= somewhat amusing.