Sunday, July 19, 2009

iPhone App Review: CB4

Chris Bosh Official App

Chris Bosh is always near or at thr top of innovations. He was on YouTube, Twitter, and facebook before most athletes got around to it. He is also the first NBA player to have his own iPhone app.

The concept of a player specific app doesn't seem like a very good idea. But this is Chris Bosh, who has plenty of material to show off. The app has 4 screens. The first of which is the only "basketball" in the app, it is all of CB4's stats, for the current season. His career stats are noticeably missing.
The following pages merge the latest from all of his social networks; Youtube, Twitter, and flickr, all on to it's own specific page.

Just to sum up, if your a huge Bosh fan, I'm sure this is already downloaded. And it's a nicely put together app. But I would like tosee some app exclusive stuff, along with the merging of all of the media.

Rating: 7/10
What's it doing: ehhhhhhh, deleted I guess (unless Cb4 gets picked up by the Magic or the Nuggets in 2010.)

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